Freelancing and The Future of Work

Do you remember when freelancers were few and far between? It seemed like an unviable fad. “When are you going to get a real job?” freelancers were asked. Well, times have changed. As of 2016, freelancers made up 35% of U.S. workers. That’s 55 million workers. They collectively earned $1 trillion in 2015. This group, […]
10 Questions to Ask Your Remote Team to Boost Productivity

Guest post by Rae Steinbach Thanks to the internet, it’s easier than ever to recruit employees from anywhere in the world. With a remote team, you can choose the best people for the job, instead of the best people from within a certain distance closeby. That being said, there are drawbacks to hiring remote workers. […]
How Leaders Can Prepare Now for the Future of Work Megatrends

I help leaders and organizations prepare for the future of work. Why? Because the world of work is going to look very different than it does today. Continuing the same strategies as we move through the next decade simply won’t work. Changes are coming fast. How? We’ll have a more diverse workforce. Also, technology is […]
Organizational Purpose and The Spirit of Adventure: Anne Loehr Interviewed on the Game Changer Radio Show

I was honored *Chicke Fitzgerald invited me to be a guest on the Game Changer radio show. We had a fantastic conversation about purpose, values, employee engagement, my family trip to hike Mount Kilimanjaro, and more. We even talked about what I do in my “day job”. This radio show is part of the Change Changer […]
When It Comes to Retirement, Are You Uncle Rico or Napoleon?

“By 2015, almost 33 percent of our workforce, including 48 percent of our supervisors, will be eligible to retire,” reported the Social Security Administration in 2013. Companies all over the country are facing the same situation. 76 million people, known as the Baby Boomers, were born between 1946 and 1964. Individuals in this age range […]
Introvert or Extrovert? There’s a Third Option

Originally published in Fast Company “Sensitive fake extrovert.” That’s how Jade Lenier classifies herself. As a performer and public speaker, you’d take her for an extrovert, but in truth, says Lenier, “my extroverted outsides don’t match my introverted insides. Because I do love being around people, but I become overstimulated and overwhelmed by them and must retreat […]
One Surprising Reason You’re Losing Talent and What To Do About It

Last week, I talked about the four major workforce trends headed our way. Here’s a quick review: Trend One: Generational Shift Over 45% of Americans will be leaving the workforce in the next decade for new opportunities. Trend Two: Women in Business More than 9.4 million firms are women-owned, employing 7.9 million people and generating […]
Where The Four Future Workforce Trends Intersect: Entrepreneurship

Four demographic trends are shape-shifting the future of work: First, over 45% of Americans will be leaving the workforce in the next decade as they reach the age of retirement. This scoots Generation X into leadership roles, which they will undoubtedly share with the Millennials, who work differently that their predecessors. Next, women’s role in […]
Anne Loehr Talks Purpose in Mortgage Women Magazine

Mortgage Women Magazine is the preeminent publication and resource for women in the mortgage industry. Kristin Messerli, founder and managing director of the magazine, asked me to contribute an article to their September edition. You can see that article below, as well as the full magazine. The online publication can be found here. My article, To Retain […]
Four Quick and Crucial Tips for Women Entrepreneurs

It’s back-to-school season and that feeling of gearing up to succeed is contagious. The first lick of fall often nudges us to focus on our goals. It also reminds us that the year is 75% over and we need get in gear if we want to finish strong. If you’re a woman and an entrepreneur, […]