Easy Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness Into Your Workday, From Start to Finish

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Easy Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness Into Your Workday, From Start to Finish

Mindfulness. More than a buzzword? Absolutely. With giants like Google, Target and General Mills investing in mindfulness, it’s time for all organizations to take a closer look. What is Mindfulness? So what is mindfulness? The first thing to realize is that the concept of mindfulness is not new. It’s an ancient mental methodology that enables […]

Five Ways Older Workers Can Combat Age Discrimination

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Five Ways Older Workers Can Combat Age Discrimination

“I turned 50 and seemed to have been thrown out of the public relations profession, my industry of 20 years,” says Lisa Wells, who recalls having traveled repeatedly from New York to Philadelphia and Boston for job interviews—all without having any luck. Desperate, Wells sought some professional help. But “after going to a head hunter’s […]

Top Future Leadership Posts of 2016

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Top Future Leadership Posts of 2016

As the year speeds toward the finish line, I look to my most popular posts for insight into what people are focusing on in the workplace. This year’s top posts show that our community cares about empathy, fighting bias, increasing diversity, speaking out about menopause, and building strong interpersonal relationships. I am thrilled to see […]

What To Do When Employees Resent Coworkers Who Work From Home

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What To Do When Employees Resent Coworkers Who Work From Home

Maritza manages a team of fifteen, five of which work from home. Recently, she’s noticed some of her in-office team showing signs of unhappiness and disengagement. Terry, an employee of eight years, has stopped contributing to group discussions almost entirely. Jamal and Doug have started leaving the office together a little earlier than the official […]

Wholesaler? Anne Loehr Weighs In: How You Can Deepen Your Advisor Relationships

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Wholesaler? Anne Loehr Weighs In: How You Can Deepen Your Advisor Relationships

I was asked to be a guest on the New Wholesaler Masterminds Radio Show, hosted by Rob Shore. It is a podcast dedicated to the art, science and lifestyle of wholesalers and their leaders. They believe that emotional intelligence (EQ) is one of the key components to wholesaler success, and because I’ve spoken on this topic to […]

This Type of Bias is Happening at Your Organization Right Now

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This Type of Bias is Happening at Your Organization Right Now

Here’s the scene: You’re hiking in a lush jungle in Ecuador’s rain forest when you look down and realize you’re about to step on a large snake. Before you even think, you step back quickly and get away from the snake. Now, you could have taken the time to look in your field guide book […]

An Open Letter to President-Elect Trump: Diversify Your Cabinet to Make America “Great Again”

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An Open Letter to President-Elect Trump: Diversify Your Cabinet to Make America “Great Again”

Dear President-Elect Trump, As we move past campaigning to governance, I noticed that your potential cabinet lacks diversity. I am not a politician or policy wonk, so I cannot guide you on how to create the best cabinet. However, I do know how diversity can improve your cabinet. I understand you have many things to […]

Leadership Under Fire

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Leadership Under Fire

“We will fight back” was the first thing I saw in the news, after reading that Donald Trump won the US presidential election. Although I live in the Washington, DC area, I am not a politician, policy wonk or lobbyist. My work guides people and teams to become the leaders they want to be. So […]

Dear Difficult Employee Wrangler…

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Dear Difficult Employee Wrangler…

Give me your tired, your unruly employees and I will give you advice. Here’s a great question I got from a very frustrated dentist. Dear difficult employee wrangler, I found your website blog about managing difficult employees. I was wondering if you could give me advice about how to manage an employee that does not work […]

Three Leadership Lessons From “The Boss”

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Three Leadership Lessons From “The Boss”

Guest post by Mario Moussa and Derek Newberry If you want to learn invaluable lessons about leading people, you don’t need to look any further than Bruce Springsteen’s recently published memoir, Born to Run. This is a rock star with substance. He can help raise your game, whether you are an entrepreneur, CEO of a […]