These 15 Companies Know How to Keep Employees Happy

By Ashley Bell, originally published on SnackNation Some companies just know how to keep employees happy. You should be jealous of them. Research (and common sense) shows that happy employees work harder, work better, and work for you longer. Keeping your employees happy gives you more than just warm fuzzies; it bolsters your bottom line. […]
Top Five Women in the Workplace Posts of 2015

I was speaking to a room full of top, female mortgage industry professionals and asked what they most struggle with while working in a male-dominated industry. I don’t know what I expected them to say, but I certainly didn’t expect these successful women to answer my question with “Being heard” and “Not wanting to appear […]
Coaching 101: Eight Quick Tips for Interpersonal Communication & Relationship Building

There was a line of lawyers waiting to talk to me and I promise crime had nothing to do with it. I’d just wrapped up an hour-long session on Coaching 101 for a group of lawyers. I’ve noticed that lawyers like giving advice. I mean, that’s what they’re supposed to do, right? So learning to coach […]
Top Future Leadership Posts of 2015

Looking back on 2015, it’s clear that the US workforce is drastically changing. Look around you. People are looking for a new way to work, where purpose is as important as the bottom line. As I watch workforce trends unfold, my question is always the same: Leaders, are you ready for the future of work? […]
Pioneers of the Better Way: 5 Women Blaze a Trail Toward the Future of Work

I recently had the opportunity to interview five cool—and inspiring—women CEOs who embody the future of work. They’ve walked out of the traditional workforce and started their own purpose-driven businesses that paint a new picture of how we work. I’ll dive deeper into the stories of each of these women—and the obstacles they faced—in a […]
Future Focused Leaders Create Cultures of Purpose

I was invited to speak in Budapest this month at the STRETCH Leadership and Management Conference. It was truly an honor. The STRETCH Conference invites people to learn from the best and stretch themselves. This year’s theme was “Building Effective, Adaptable, Resilient and Purposeful Organizations.” Speakers covered topics such as organizational agility, experimental mindset and […]
Bring Back Failure!

Definition of failure: Noun 1. lack of success. That’s all it is. Yet, society tends to make it much more that that, using terms like loser, wimp, disappointment, underachiever, and worse, to describe someone who has failed. If you’re going to be slapped with a label like that, it’s no wonder no one wants to […]
Dear Generational Guru…

With three generations working side by side, there is bound to be friction in the workplace. I get so many great questions about intergenerational challenges that I decided to start an advice column called, Dear Generational Guru. Here is a question I received just last week: Dear Gen Guru, I am a Gen X (1967) […]
Why I’m a Hypocrite and My Challenge with Mental Energy

I’m a hypocrite. There, I said it. Leadership, both personal and professional, is an energy game. But it takes more than physical energy for peak performance. Leaders need abundant physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy to manage their stress and perform their best. And just like professional athletes, leaders need to train properly, regularly and […]
Seven Frequently Asked Questions From Those Who Manage Generation X and Generation Y

Do I have to hire Generation Y? This is a real question I received while facilitating a workshop on engaging every age in the workplace. I love it! Curious what other questions I am often asked? Today I’ll be giving you the inside scoop. The questions people ask while I am speaking or facilitating workshops […]