How Digital Natives Will Shape the Future of Work

I recently dove deep into the future for a series called *Work: Reimagined, analyzing the trends shaping the future of work and determining five qualities that will be imperative for successful future leaders. But it turns out I left something out. I didn’t factor in how our future leaders will be Digital Natives—born after the widespread […]
Why You Need a New Strategy for Retaining Female Talent

There are big changes coming to American companies. While many business leaders look to the economy for trends and forecasts — closely following any promising signs as we recover from the 2008 crisis — there’s another change brewing right under their noses. And it doesn’t take knowledge of the stock market to understand. The […]
5 Practical Steps to Improve Company Culture

By John Duisberg, originally published on Cooleaf Most company leaders want to have a vibrant company culture and high level of employee engagement. However, leaders may lack the knowledge of practical steps to achieve these goals. Here are a few steps with specific actions that you and your team may use to improve your company’s culture. STEP […]
The Future of Work: 13 Tips To Prepare Your Organization
There are big changes coming to the American workforce. While many organizations are watching the economy, there’s another change — almost a revolution — quietly taking place right under our noses. That change is the massive shift in workplace demographics, with four specific trends to watch: Over 40 percent of Americans will be leaving the […]
What Three Fictional Heroines Can Teach Future Female Leaders

My 10-year-old daughter and I are tired of boy heroes in young adult fiction. Sure, we love Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. Yet, we need more role models for our future female leaders. My daughter inhales books. I’m not exaggerating. She will easily read 200 pages in two days. She’s not anti-social; she has lots […]
What We Want Our Future Leaders To Know

What will make a future leader successful? I explored this in my piece, *Portrait of a Future Leader, published as part of Upwork’s Work: Reimagined series on Medium. Really getting down to the nitty-gritty of how major workforce trends will affect leaders was exciting. But I don’t know everything. To move beyond research and hear […]
A National Survey of the Freelance Workforce: America, Meet Your Future Workforce

Freelancers Union and Elance-oDesk took a self-proclaimed deep dive into how Americans are putting together their work-lives. The resulting report, Freelancing in America: A National Survey of the New Workforce, spells out the fact that one of the four major United States workforce trends headed our direction is actually hitting us head-on. That trend is […]
How Do Generations Impact Teamwork?

In the last few months I was honored to be interviewed about the future of work and how generations impact teamwork. I even got to do some interviewing myself with Itay Talgalm. Finally, I was given the opportunity to share a valuable tool for executives who weed through multiple ideas, to focus on the most […]
Welcome To The Workplace Revolution

The future of work will look very different than its stale, pale and male past. In fact, the very fabric of the United States Workforce is already changing profoundly. To paint a picture of the changes taking place, *Upwork sponsored a series of stories dedicated to exploring the evolution of the United States workplace called […]
Nine Tips For Millennials To Be Taken More Seriously at Work

Just like all younger generations, members of the Millennial Generation (those born between 1981 and 2001) struggle with being taken seriously at work. But why should they be taken seriously? They are lazy, entitled, high-maintenance, in need of handholding, and unwilling to pay their dues…right? Wrong. Those are the common stereotypes of the Millennial Generation […]