Itay Talgam: An Interview With The Leadership Maestro

I was completely startstruck. I couldn’t believe I was given the opportunity to interview him and I truly didn’t know what to ask. We’d never met, but I’ve used his profound TED talk many times when teaching and coaching. I’m talking about Itay Talgam, conductor, business consultant, speaker, and author of The Ignorant Maestro: How […]
A Call to Graduates: Find Your Purpose

It’s graduation season, which means young people all over the world are looking ahead and imagining what part they will play in the future. Those graduating university are saddled with a lot of unknowns, yet as they hold their diplomas in one and throw their caps in the sky with the other, there is a […]
Interviews With Anne Loehr: Spring Roundup

The last few months have been jam-packed with opportunities for me to speak to organizations all over the country. I’ve spoken on topics such as second-generation bias, recruiting and retaining women, emotional intelligence, decision making tools for CEOs who are flooded with ideas, the future of work, how to sell to the Millennial generation as […]
Freelancer or Employee? How to Avoid Employee Misclassification

There are more freelance workers in America than the total combined populations of 25 states. Making up 34% of the U.S. workforce, freelancers’ economic impact is significant and growing. In preparation for the continual transformation of nine-to-fivers into freelancers, we’ve been talking about what exactly a freelancer is, the top challenges managers face when managing […]
Three Ways to Amp Up Your Emotional Intelligence Today

We’ve all heard stories or perhaps even witnessed leaders who just can’t keep their cool. They may storm through the office, slam a phone down, berate a manager or simply send dozens of nasty emails. This type of behavior is extremely uncomfortable for employees to witness, eats away at organizational culture, breaks down trust, and […]
Women are Leaving the U.S. Workforce and Flipping Tables on the Way Out

The U.S. workforce is facing a seismic shift within the next decade with four major trends are headed our way. To start, 40 percent of Americans will be leaving the workforce as Baby Boomers retire, the old minority is becoming the new majority, and temporary workers are predicted to make up 40 percent of the […]
These Four Workplace Trends Will Change Your Organization: Are You Ready?

There are big changes coming to the American workforce. While many organizations are watching the economy, there’s another change — almost a revolution — quietly taking place right under our noses. That change is the massive shift in workplace demographics, with four specific trends to watch: Over 40 percent of Americans will be leaving the […]
Here’s Why You Can’t Attract, Develop and Retain Female Talent

Do you remember Henry Higgins? He was a character, played by the actor Rex Harrison, in a 1964 movie called “My Fair Lady.” During the movie, Henry Higgins sings a song called, “Why Can’t a Woman Be More Like a Man?” and the last line of the song is, “Why can’t a woman be more […]