How to Manage Difficult Employees: Six Iconic Types
There sure are a lot of different personalities in the workplace. As a manager, you have to work with diverse personae on an even closer level. And let’s face it, some of those characters are difficult to deal with. The good news is, managing difficult employees doesn’t have to necessarily be difficult. In a series […]
Have You Ever Wondered How People Define Success?
Success seemed really simple in elementary school. You get an A on your math test—success! You win a game of foursquare—success! You play a solo in your band concert and don’t miss a note—success! Adult life is much more complex than acing a spelling test every Friday. As a result, each person’s definition of success […]
4 Steps to Maintain Organizational Culture with Freelancers
Organizational culture is crucial in creating a workplace where employees can work together as a team and contribute to furthering the company’s values and vision. Maintaining that culture in a shared office space is one thing…but when your freelance employees are scattered all over the country, maybe even the globe, that’s a different story. This […]
Infographic: 4 Major Workplace Trends on the Horizon
Imagine our current workforce, minus 40% of its workers due to Baby Boomer retirement. Imagine that same workforce lacking women, because they’ve left to start their own businesses. Now add an influx of freelance workers, currently 53 million strong and growing. For the final touch, imagine that the remaining workforce will look completely different in […]
Managing Freelancers? How to Help Freelancers Meet Your Project’s Goals And Make Deadlines
There is a lot of focus on the best way to manage Millennials, the new generation of workers. Yet the exodus of Baby Boomers isn’t the only shift managers need to prepare for. There is also a spike in freelance workers, which presents new challenges for managers to consider. I’ve identified four common challenges that occur […]
How to Create a Positive Collaborative Environment for Freelance and Full-time Employees
The workforce landscape is changing drastically. New generations are stepping in to replace the droves of retiring Baby Boomers, women are high-tailing it out of the corporate world to start their own businesses, the demographic makeup of the workforce is shifting the majority to the minority, and organizations around the country are hiring freelancers instead […]
How to Manage Inefficient Communication With Freelancers
One of the four major workforce trends headed our way is the rise in freelance workers. In fact, the freelance workforce is already 53 million strong, and growing*. To prepare for the workforce of the future, it’s time managers take a close look at how managing freelance employees varies from managing fulltime, in-house employees. Good […]