Leadership in the Zone – How to Fully Engage Mentally

Being a fully engaged leader takes focus on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our lives. As you saw in my last posts, I do well with the physical aspects. However, I’d give myself a B on the mental aspect; I can be easily distracted at times, especially when procrastinating on a project. […]
Case Study: Executive Coaching — How to Lead a Team To Scale Quickly

A company with an annual revenue of $2 million wanted to scale quickly while adding a new product. Challenges to Address A tech company CEO wanted to increase his ability to lead a team that would execute to the next level of growth. He wanted to: Improve his leadership presence with the team and Board. […]
Case Study: Keynote on the Future of the United States Workforce

National Association Needed a Prescient Keynote to Address the Future of the United States Workforce Our Challenges to Address The Association needed an informative, dynamic and engaging keynote for its annual conference. The audience was well-educated and wanted credible information that would help their members think five to ten years into the future on a […]
Case Study: How We Created an Innovative Business Development Program Across the Country

Large Company Wanted to Offer an Innovative Business Development Program on a National Level Our Challenges to Address: The company was losing competitive advantage and market share The company employees were unsure how to create new business The company’s industry was becoming less desirable to work in Our Consulting Solution Rolled Out a Business Development […]
Case Study: How to Manage Institutional Change

Military Arm Needed to Lead a Diverse Team Through Unprecedented Institutional Change Our Challenges to Address: Garnering confidence in the mission Sharing expectations of the opportunities Bringing the team together with a fresh perspective for daily operations Our Solution Was a Tailor-Made Workshop Looking at all Aspects of the Team The Air Force need a […]
Case Study: Creating a Generational Wealth Management Program

A Financial Services Firm Wanted to Offer a Generational Wealth Management Program to Its Advisors on a National Level Our Challenges to Address: Educate Financial Advisors on the importance of retaining clients across generations Teach generational relationship skills to talented financial advisors who are based across the United States Ensure that the financial advisors practice, retain […]
Leadership in the Zone – How to Fully Engage Emotionally

The fully engaged leader can harness and expand his or her physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy. Last week, we talked about the importance of physical energy for the fully engaged leader. This week, expert Tom Ward, founder and principal of NextLevel, will discuss emotional energy—what it is, why it is important and how to […]
Leadership in the Zone – How to Fully Engage Physically

I can’t stop moving. Ask anyone who knows me. I prefer a standing desk to a seated one; I schedule walking meetings instead of table meetings and my clients now expect me to stand up and walk around during our time together. I didn’t understand the science of this until I learned about the Human […]
Case Study: Organizational Development Program That Prepared a Company for Growth

When a client asked us to help him create a long-term plan that would develop his management and leadership team during an important transition, we created an 18-month plan. Growing a successful company from a 10-person, $5M company to a 20-person, $10M company in 1 year was no small task, but our client knew what […]
Leadership in the Zone – How to Fully Engage Your Leadership

Think that brainpower alone will maintain high performing teams? Think again. Instead, it takes a special kind of energy, which is created from a combination of four aspects of our lives: the body, mind, emotions and spirit (yes, spirit!). I’ve invited expert Tom Ward, founder and principal of NextLevel, to be a guest blogger on […]