Infographic: Women at Work: Sound Bites and Statistics

Kenan-Flagler Business School in Chapel Hill, NC reached out to me to share their new Infographic: Women @ Work: Sound Bites and Statistics from Women Who Lead. Rebecca Lindergren contacted me because she knows I am passionate about women in the workplace and have written on the topic many times. More specifically, I’ve written about […]
Workplace Design Impact on Knowledge-Worker Productivity: Anne Loehr Interviews David Craig

In the business world, productivity is a hot topic. Organizations need to create an appropriate environment and culture that inspires productivity in their workforce. There are many factors that contribute to productivity, including workplace design. In my last post, David Craig, the SVP of CannonDesign New York and head of CannonDesign’s global Workplace Strategy Practice, […]
Workplace Design Impact on Innovation: Anne Loehr Interviews David Craig

Innovation is the key to an organization’s survival. The world is rapidly changing so having a team that can think creatively and develop new solutions to continually evolving problems is invaluable for any organization. How can workplace design contribute to innovation? To explore this topic, I interviewed workplace design expert David Craig, SVP of CannonDesign […]
Workplace Design Impact on Culture: Anne Loehr Interviews David Craig

A strong organization is always looking for ways to improve company culture. Workplace design is one tool that can directly impact company culture, as well as productivity and innovation. To explore this topic, I interviewed workplace design expert David Craig, SVP of CannonDesign New York and head of CannonDesign’s global Workplace Strategy Practice. In this […]
How Values and Purpose Create Better Leaders: Your Values in Action

It’s vitally important that leaders identify and use their values in all aspects of their lives. Why? Because values give us a sense of purpose, and help guide us in organizational decision-making. You can review the definition and importance of values here. Deciding to lead with values is only the first step. Next comes the […]
How Values and Purpose Create Better Leaders: Find Your Values

Values are like a compass that points us to our “true north.” Understanding our personal values helps us navigate decisions, make more fulfilling choices, and live in a way that is satisfying and meaningful. It is the road to finding our purpose. As a leader, personal values pass down to all levels of the organization, […]
How Values and Purpose Create Better Leaders: Introduction

Ever worked with a manager who knew what mattered and stood her ground about these things? Then you probably worked with a manager who used values-based leadership (VBL). VBL is a leadership philosophy that steps outside of measuring success by prestige, personal wealth and power. It is not about emulating the great leaders of yesteryear. […]
Top 5 Posts on Women in the Workplace by Anne Loehr

I am passionate about women in the workforce, in leadership positions, and as a key factor in understanding the seismic shifts in the future of work. Here are my top five blog posts on women in the workforce. 1. What Can Transgender Experience Tell Us About Workplace Gender Roles? A fundamental challenge to women in […]
Why Communication Fails and How to Fix it: The Perception Gap, Part 2

Sometimes merely focusing on communicating with your team isn’t enough. Why? Because the intention you set forth is often misunderstood by your audience. The gap between what you mean to communicate and what is actually communicated is known as the Perception Gap. In Part One of this series about communication failure, I covered what Perception […]
Why Communication Fails and How to Fix it: The Perception Gap, Part 1

Despite your best efforts, there’s a very good chance that your communication is being perceived and processed in a way you did not intend. The disconnect between what is meant to be communicated and what is actually understood is known as a Perception Gap. In this two part series, I will talk about Perception Gaps, […]