Why Are Women Leaving the Workforce? A Conversation with Kendra Kabasele
Kendra Kabasele interviewed me for her blog, Kenversations about the fact that women are leaving the workforce in droves and starting independent businesses. This is a topic that I am very interested in and write about often. She asked me questions about why women are leaving the workforce, what their experiences are like while in […]
How to Effectively Manage Difficult Employees: The Egomaniac

A few weeks ago, I introduced you to an employee you may have encountered in your lifetime, called The AWOL. You know, the one that just never seems to be around when a project is due? The AWOL is just one of many personality types that Jezra Kaye and I help managers address with our […]
How to Deal with Stress, Maintain Presence, and Deliver Strong Leadership: Somatic Coaching Helps You Use Both Your Head and Your Heart

Heart and head. You don’t usually hear those terms together in the business world. Yet according to HBR, you need both to be a successful leader. I couldn’t agree more. Tell Me And I’ll Forget… I didn’t always think that leaders needed both the head and the heart. Growing up in an academic family, it […]
What Can Transgender Experience Tell Us About Workplace Gender Roles?

One of the major workplace trends being discussed on my blog lately is the fact that women are leaving the workplace to work independently. Many women are realizing that they can achieve more by consulting or creating start-ups. Despite being equally (or more) educated and experienced as their male peers, statistics show only 4% of […]
How to Effectively Manage Difficult Employees: The AWOL

Management can be tough. Even the best leadership skills can’t save you from every challenging scenario. I got together with Jezra Kaye to write a book for managers who are sick and tired of dealing with employees who can’t, won’t, or just don’t perform their jobs. In our book, Managing the Unmanageable: How to Motivate […]
Millennial Thinking: Young Entrepreneurs Buy a Mountain
I’ve heard of big ticket purchases, but this one takes the cake. A group of young entrepreneurs named Summit have convinced approximately 50 investors to help them purchase a mountain (yes, a mountain!). The transformation of Powder Mountain in Eden, UT into Summit Eden is now underway. Who are these entrepreneurs? According to Forbes magazine, […]
Demographic Trend: Women Are Changing the Workforce
As seen in my infographic, women are shifting both workplace and household dynamics. Here are three statistics that show how: 60% of master’s degrees are awarded to women At home, more than 40% of women are now their families’ main breadwinners 28% of women outearn their husbands Women’s lives are changing, according to an ongoing […]
Future Workforce Challenges and Solutions: Kelly Sullivan of Wiley Interviews Generational Guru Anne Loehr

In response to my blog series about the monumental changes that will influence workplace demographics in the next ten years, Kelly Sullivan of Wiley, the largest publisher for professional and scholarly societies, contacted me for an interview. The article is titled, “Prepare Your Organization Now for the Workforce of the Future,” and was published this […]
Engage Employees Using Games, Contests, and Rewards

This is the third post in my series exploring the new workforce trend called gamification. First, I covered how game mechanics can be used in business to increase employee engagement and innovation. Next, we took a look at three companies who are successfully using games to achieve their organization’s unique goals. To wrap up this […]
Gaming Your Business: Three Businesses Using Gamification With Success

In my last post, we discussed how play and game mechanics can be used in business to increase employee engagement and innovation. This post will focus on businesses who have successfully implemented games to meet their unique goals in three different industries: hospitality, IT and pharmaceuticals. Educating a Future Generation of Hoteliers Using Play […]