How Using Games and Game Mechanics in Business Can Increase Your Bottom Line Starting Today

Most people think that games are just for kids. According to Jane McGonical’s TedTalk, embedded below, three billion hours a week are spent playing games. Gamification, the underlying mechanics that make video games so compelling, can also help professionals develop into better team members, employees, managers and innovators in non-gaming environments. What Is Gamification? Gamification […]
Financial Planning for Generation X and Generation Y: Kile Lewis of oXYGen Financial Interviewed by Generational Expert Anne Loehr

Kile Lewis is the Co-founder and Co-CEO of oXYGen Financial—a full service family office offering financial services for the X and Y generations. It was founded in response to increasing requests from successful young people — Generation X and Generation Y investors, families, and entrepreneurs — for financial planning and advice matched to their unique […]
Workforce Demographic Trend: Temporary and Contract Employees Growing as Need for Flexibility Rises

The rise of temporary workers is a workforce trend that’s here to stay. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, temporary workers make up 19% of all new jobs in the U.S, almost beating out a record high from April 2000. A blog post by NextSpace cites an even larger number, 30%, which includes […]
Leadership Takes a Village
You don’t need to be the hero when it comes to leading. At least according to David Pendleton, who is the author of Leadership: All You Need to Know. Pendleton is the Chairman of Edgecumbe consulting group and leadership expert at the University of Oxford’s Said Business School within their Advanced Management and High Performance […]
Demographic Changes Impact the Future of Work: Infographic Shows Business and Education Trends
The U.S. has always been known as a melting pot; diversity is it’s strong suit. However, when it comes to the workforce and corporate America, diversity has been lacking. No longer. Minorities are becoming the majority and that means the majority of consumers, clients and leaders in the workforce. Outlets ranging from the Huffington Post to the Bureau […]
Infographic Depicting the Rise of Women in the Workforce
I am passionate about women in the workforce, in leadership positions, and as a key factor in understanding the seismic shifts in the future of work. Because of that passion, I created this infographic with the help of research from George Washington University’s new initiative, On the Board, American Progress, and the U.S. Small Business […]
Organizational Change Interview: Anne Loehr and Bill Kearney on The Future of Work
Being interviewed by Bill Kearney on WKXL in New Hampshire is always lively and thought provoking. He has interviewed me many times over the past few years; he never fails to ask pointed questions that create a stimulating conversation. I’ve embedded our last interview here, where we discussed many organizational topics including workplace demographics, generations, […]
It’s a Man’s, Man’s, Man’s, World…or Is It?
As I read Emily Bennington’s Who Says It’s a Man’s World: The Girls’ Guide to Corporate Domination, I made constant notes while absorbing all of the tips she lay out throughout the book. Bennington has something for everyone, touching on topics such as self-awareness, social skills, personal effectiveness, team development, leadership and a practical toolbox […]
Five Tips to Transform Talent in the Workplace

Let’s talk talent. I don’t mean Broadway and Hollywood talent; I mean organizational talent. The people at work who lead projects, clash with their colleagues and often give 100% to their organization. I’m giving eight talks in two cities over the next few weeks. The questions I’ve been asked to address in my talks include: […]
These Organizations are Placing A Spotlight on Workforce Trends: Demographics, Diversity, and Coaching
At last…spring is here! Q1 is complete and it’s time to come out of hibernation and renew the vigor for achieving your organizational goals. A few of these goals might include focusing on improving your leadership skills, refining your work training programs or increasing employee engagement. Over the next six weeks, I’ll be speaking on […]