Online Learning Increases Employee Engagement: How to Create Online Training Programs That Work
In my last two posts, I discussed why it’s important to incorporate the seven learning styles into adult learning and how online learning programs can do that effectively. In this post, we’ll look at some best practices for creating effective online learning programs that work in your organization, as well as practical steps to help […]
Online Learning Increases Employee Engagement: What is Online Learning?
In my last post, I discussed why it’s important to incorporate multiple learning styles in a training program. Technology offers to best opportunities to do that. In this post, let’s look at what online learning actually is. The U.S. Distance Learning Association (USDLA) seems to concur that there is no official, agreed-upon definition of online […]
Online Learning Increases Employee Engagement: Seven Learning Styles
“On average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction,” concludes a report by the Department of Education (DOE). In fact, in the DOE’s report “Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning,” students doing at least some of their course online ranked in the 59th percentile compared to wholly in-classroom taught […]
Four Ways to Cultivate Trust at Work
Quick! Think of your most successful business relationship with a colleague, client or boss. What makes it so special? It’s probably the prevalence of trust. Before thinking of the content and characteristics that make up the foundation of trust, think of what trust elicits and inspires: a sense of comfort. Charles H. Green expounds this […]
How Can We Create Organizational Cultures that Welcome Women Who Lean In?
Sheryl Sandberg’s new book Lean In urges women to take a seat at the table, raise our hands and use our voices. I completely agree. And I think there is a larger question to be asked: What are women leaning into? Organizations could hire the brightest and most experienced woman for their teams. Yet if […]
Workforce Trends: The Importance of Diversity–The Old Minority Will Become the New Majority
There are several major demographic trends in today’s workplace, such as Baby Boomer retirement, companies losing female talent (see infographic) and the increasing need for workplace flexibility. Perhaps the most profound trend however, is the fact that the United States is transitioning from a nation whose majority population is white to a nation in which […]
Workforce Trends: Women Are Leaving the Corporate World and Becoming Your Competition
The second demographic trend affecting the Workforce of Tomorrow is the flood of women leaving their jobs in mid-career. Take a look at this infographic about women in the workforce for a good dose of reality. Whether it’s law, technology, administration, or management, Gen X women (born between 1965-1980) are voting with their feet. They […]
Workforce Trends: How Baby Boomer Retirement Will Change the Workplace in the Next Decade. You Ready?

In the past, people retired, on average, at age 60. The Baby Boomers (born between 1946-1964) talk about retiring at 69, except if they don’t, because they need the salary, or just like working. And they could work for quite a while yet. Look at how many people are now living to 100! If the […]
Creating Workplace Culture That Actually Works
Workplace culture often seems like some sort of abstract concept. We think, ‘Oh to build a great culture at work, we have to create something that mimics Apple’ or some other hot, tech company. In reality, building a dynamic work culture is much simpler, based on how the organization’s values, attitude and behavior manifest daily […]
Training Our Future Leaders NOW!
As the new year begins, it’s time to create effective habits and break ineffective habits, both personally and professionally. Professionally, when it comes to influencing organizational goals, I highly recommend reading the Harvard Business Review article We Wait Too Long to Train Our Leaders. Preparing future leaders early on will impact your organization’s success, so […]