Want to Increase Your Productivity? Create More Balance

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It seems that the constant connection to technology has finally caught up to the tired, frazzled employees who have been glued to their smart devices for years. Employees, especially the younger generations, have been clamoring for work/life balance. And they’re right to do so because according to a recent New York Times article, “Being constantly […]

Building an Innovation Ecosystem

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As the new year begins, organizations are looking to up the ante. Fresh slates and new ideas abound after employees relaxed over the holidays. As such, Harvard Business Review’s recent article, How to Create an Innovation Ecosystem, is timely. Though geared toward for-profit businesses, a majority of its suggestions are ideas found in many international […]

Creating Goals That Last

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This week I’m bringing back an older blog that is particularly relevant for this time of year. How can you set goals and stick to them? Hopefully this blog will shed some light on how to create goals that last. Happy New Year! First, let’s look at the definition of an effective goal. A goal […]

How to Create a Memorable Employee Recognition Program

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Good business practice involves appreciating and recognizing your employees. Although appreciation should be a natural activity for anyone, the truth is we all have different ways of giving and receiving gifts and appreciation. Some like verbal appreciation, while others like having an extra vacation day. Either way, employes want personal recognition, instead of a standard […]

Your Employees: An Investment Worth Making

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As the holiday season descends, consumer-shopping habits ascend. The holiday season also call into question principals, passion and a reevaluation of organizational goals and strategy. At this time of year, companies review quarterly sales and performance reports, beginning to re-align their goals with their strategy. While tempting, no organization should leave employees out of the […]

Rethinking the Two-Week Vacation

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You thought sabbaticals were only for professors? Think again. Fast Company featured Rally Software for taking the idea of rewarding employees to the next level. What’s the purpose? On the surface, sabbaticals seem like a nice perk that can encourage long-term loyalty as employees look forward to a long, uninterrupted break with full pay. However, […]

Retaining Your Talent is Key to Your Success

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Most organizations still have to keep a tight handle on budgets while finding creative ways to stimulate innovation. In Deloitte’s recent survey, the talent paradox from an employee’s perspective is discussed. The employee talent paradox looks at whether employees are truly satisfied with their jobs or if they are just staying in their positions because […]

Engaging Employees Through Sustainability

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So you want to start an employee engagement program? BBMG recently released a white paper that addresses sustainability as an organizational core value, which not only helps the planet but also increases employee engagement. Their rationale is that having this type of transcendent vision gives employees purpose and empowerment, if executed correctly. BBMG’s data links […]

Burnout: Myth or Reality?

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I’ve blogged before about the possibility of work-life balance. Recently, Inc.com featured an article concerning Marissa Mayer, the much blogged about new Yahoo CEO who recently had a baby. Mayer claims that burnout, or physical and mental exhaustion from work, is not possible. She calls burnout a myth, saying that it comes from resentment, which […]

Three Tips to Effectively Manage Your Manager

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Devora Zack, author of Managing For People Who Hate Managing, published an article in Fast Company recently for those that have to deal with incompetent managers at work.  The premise is that you can’t actually change your manager (actually, you can’t really change anybody!) but you do have complete control over your own actions. What […]