Leadership Challenges, Part Two
Someone recently asked me, “What are the common interpersonal and generational errors that leaders should avoid when managing a team?”. That is a huge question. However, after some thinking, I came up with four challenges that a new leader often faces: 1. Understanding how cultural differences impact a team 2. Using the Golden Rule 3. […]
Leadership Challenges, Part One
Someone recently asked me, “What are the common interpersonal and generational errors that leaders should avoid when managing a team?”. That is a huge question. However, after some thinking, I came up with four challenges that a new leader often faces: 1. Understanding how cultural differences impact a team 2. Using the Golden Rule 3. […]
Create a Baby Boomer Recovery Plan NOW!
Effectively managing generational differences is not the only solution to poor morale, little collaboration, lack of innovation or high attrition. However, understanding and managing the generational differences will certainly help you improve all of these variables, plus more. Many people call this a “soft” skill, a skill that’s nice to have, but not really important […]
Mind the Gap…and Have Some Fun!
Let’s face it. Under pressure, people have been known to say regrettable things about other generations. Things like: Why do they have to print every email on paper? (about Baby Boomers) Why are they always online? (about Generation Y) Why do they have no time to chat? (about Gen X) And leaders have also been […]
Leading Gen Y Transparently
Monica O’Brien recently wrote “According to research from Hill & Knowlton, consumers care most about companies that demonstrate honesty and optimism. Obama leveraged this emotional need to win the election, and other smart companies are also using this insight to their advantage. To Gen Y this comes down to being transparent and authentic.“ So what […]
Generational Learning Styles
“What’s the best way to work with each generation?” is a common question that I get asked. My answer is, “It depends.” In general, most people are managed by the academic technique: read, write or lecture. In 1983, Dr. Gardner from Harvard said that the academic technique doesn’t reach everyone. So he developed the Multiple […]
Retaining Gen Y
A Gen Y colleague recently asked me about my career path. She breathed a sigh of relief when she learned that my career path was windy and circuitous. She plans to have 4-5 careers in her lifetime and was worried that she would be labeled as a ‘failure’ if she did so. While Gen Y’s […]
Generational Hiring
I was recently talking with a senior HR manager at a major corporation about a hiring experience. “I finally found the perfect candidate. He had everything I was looking for. But when I offered him the opportunity to work with us, he asked, “What’s in it for me?”. I couldn’t believe it. What’s with these […]
Managing Generational Differences, Part 3
In this blog series, I’m discussing how each generation prefers to interact at work, which will help you create a cohesive team. Let’s look at Generation Y today. Gen Y was born with a mouse in their hand. They love what technology can do for them and how it connects them to the world, to […]
Managing Generational Differences, Part 2
In this blog series, I’m discussing how each generation prefers to interact at work, which will help you create a cohesive team. Let’s look at Generation X today. Gen X grew up between the Baby Boomer face-to-face lifestyle and the Generation Y tech lifestyle. They can be perceived as too independent, too self-focused and too […]