Are Your Internal Communication Tools Doing More Harm Than Good?
Guest post by Kyle Sabraw There’s no arguing that the modern workplace has changed. Gone are the days of a 9-5, Monday through Friday desk job hidden inside of a cubicle. For better or for worse, our office has become wherever we happen to be. Fully 43% of employees today consider themselves mobile or “deskless”. […]
Should Your Organization Be Decentralized?
As Henry Mintzberg, author of The Structuring of Organizations, writes, “The words centralization and decentralization have been bandied about for as long as anyone has cared to write about organizations.” And that is a pretty long time, at least since 400 B.C., when Jethro advised Moses to distribute responsibility to various levels in the hierarchy. […]
Future Of Work Trends To Watch: Gen Z, AI & Automation [Infographic]
Two major future of work trends impacting the workplace are the introduction of a new generation, and the acceleration of automation and artificial intelligence (AI). While these trends are already impacting today’s workforce, they will continue to shape the future of work. Let’s start with the newest generation of workers, Generation Z, born since 1995 […]
10 Tips To Ensure Your Employee Training Programs Are Effective
If you’re going to invest in a training program, you should set your organization up for success. Otherwise, your employees may feel they are victims of “drive-by trainings” and lament their wasted time. If there is no benefit for them, there is no benefit to your organization. As someone who provides workshops and training to […]
The Facts About Women in Business in the UK
Originally posted on Moneypod Women are still under-represented in the UK in terms of entrepreneurship and business. Although the gap between the number of male and female entrepreneurs may be closing, it still exists. In the UK the so called “Enterprise Gap”, the difference in the number of men and women owning companies, has significantly […]
A Quick and Creative Way to Solve Problems at Work
Most of us have seen this image before. Some swear it’s a duck, while others swear it is a rabbit. Both are correct! But this exercise gives us a clear example of how individuals naturally see the world differently. And in the work environment, this different way of seeing things, if leveraged, presents a huge […]
Why It’s Important To Delegate and How to Do It
Delegation goes beyond just handing off the job. It includes setting performance expectations, following-up, and providing feedback. Below you’ll find tips to help you learn to successfully delegate. But first, let’s look at why it’s important to delegate Why is Delegation Necessary? There are several reasons to delegate: Delegation allows you to devote energy to […]