Future Focused Leaders Create Cultures of Purpose

I was invited to speak in Budapest this month at the STRETCH Leadership and Management Conference. It was truly an honor.
The STRETCH Conference invites people to learn from the best and stretch themselves. This year’s theme was “Building Effective, Adaptable, Resilient and Purposeful Organizations.” Speakers covered topics such as organizational agility, experimental mindset and learning organization, change management, embracing self-organization, making the organization more personal, and finding purpose in the organization.
That last topic is where I came in. My talk, “Future Focused Leaders Create Cultures of Purpose,” examined the rampant absence of purpose people feel in today’s workplace and the extreme lack of engagement that results. This lack of engagement is not only bad for organizations, it’s bad for people, their families, and their communities too. I explained how it’s absolutely imperative for leaders to create purpose in their organizations and for their employees. The first step in doing so is identifying individual and then organizational values. I provided a roadmap for identifying those values and implementing them.
I invite you to watch and listen to my talk below. You may want to take out a pen and paper for the values exercises!
If you prefer to review the slides, you’ll find them below.
For a review of the STRETCH Conference, visit Joseph Pelrine’s blog: Social Complexity and Agility.
To learn more about all of this year’s inspiring speakers, read about them on the STRETCH Conference website.