Anne Loehr in the Press: Spring 2016 Roundup

Sharing knowledge with your community is invaluable. So far 2016 has given me ample opportunity to do just that. This week alone has me speaking four times! Today, I’ve created a quick roundup of articles (and one podcast) where I contributed, was featured or was quoted. They are all worth a read, regardless of my involvement.
1. The Growing Pain this Startup CEO Never Saw Coming
By Melissa Wylie in Bizwomen
Research from British anthropologist Robin Dunbar suggests people are only capable of maintaining sustainable relationships with about 150 other people. Beyond that, personal connections start to falter. This theory applies to the business world as well, and can quickly chip away at company culture. Read here to learn how Jessica Mah brought her company, inDinero, back from the brink of cultural collapse nearly four years ago by focusing on core values.
2. The Essential Guide to Avoiding Workplace Text, Email, and Social Media Disasters
By Marissa Levin in Inc.
Today’s workplace is a potential landmine for communications disasters, which can lead to big problems for business owners. Two primary reasons are generational challenges and technology challenges.
For the first time in history, we have 5 generations working alongside of one another, with employees ranging from their early 20’s to their 70’s or older. It’s not surprising that employees have conflicting communications expectations and behaviors.
Simply hoping that employees will use good judgment when communicating digitally and online exposes the company to potential liabilities and lawsuits. Here’s what companies can do to prevent communication disasters.
3. Thoughts on Community from the Thin Difference Community
By Molly Page on Thin Difference
Throughout the months of February and March, the Thin Difference team chose to share their thoughts, experiences, and challenges when it comes to building, working and living in a community. Their hope was that by publishing several different perspectives on a specified theme they could facilitate discussion and achieve one of Thin Difference’s goals of cross-generational collaboration and connection.
The discussion went so well, they didn’t want to stop with just the team. So they reached out to several members of the Thin Difference community to continue the conversation.
They asked, “Often, a community engages around a common purpose but then hits a wall or stumbles in the midst of a project. What was the secret sauce that enabled your community to rally past the challenge and catch your stride again?”
4. The Broad Experience Episode 82: Generation Clash
By Ashley Milne-Tyte
This week’s program looks at generational conflict between women at work. We all know it’s there, lurking, even if we talk about it behind each other’s backs.
This show features myself, plus a baby boomer and a millennial on the gaps in experience and understanding between women. Why won’t millennials use the phone at work? Why can’t older women understand this isn’t the same workplace they came up in?
Listen to the first of two shows on this topic here.
Have you read any interesting articles lately? I’d love to know. Leave a comment below, send me an email , or find me on Twitter.