Leadership Challenges, Part Two
Someone recently asked me, “What are the common interpersonal and generational errors that leaders should avoid when managing a team?”. That is a huge question. However, after some thinking, I came up with four challenges that a new leader often faces:
1. Understanding how cultural differences impact a team
2. Using the Golden Rule
3. Learning to lead vs. manage
4. Learning the 80/20 rule
My last blog talked about #1. Let’s look at #2 now, Using the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” In other words, treat people the way you would like to be treated.
However, this assumes that everyone has the same motivations, fears and definitions of success, which is not true. While the new leader may be motivated by financial rewards, her employee may be motivated by flex-time, increased paternity leave, or working from home. So it is vital that a new leader takes the time to understand what drives, excites, motivates and challenges every employee; when that happens the manager is applying the Platinum Rule, which says to “Do unto others are they would do unto themselves”. This means “Speak their language” and do what they would like, not what you would like. It’s a bit of a mind-shift; however, once complete, this shift will quickly improve employee engagement.
It’s important to recognize the challenges a new leader faces, and help them succeed. One of these challenges is taking time to understand what motivates each employee. My next blogs will cover the next challenge, Learning to Lead vs Manage. Stay tuned!