Productivity Improvement: It’s Not What You Think

I’d like to share an excellent post on creativity and productivity by Dorie Clark.
It’s a universal desire for leaders of busy middle market companies: If only we could be more productive. But according to executive coach Sue Bethanis of Mariposa Leadership, we may have our ideas about productivity improvement all wrong. It turns out the holy grail isn’t “inbox zero” or ten straight hours at your desk. “Many people think getting interrupted by others cuts productivity,” she says. “However, for many knowledge workers, this is their work.”
You may be more productive by embracing interruptions.
If “productivity improvement” means accomplishing meaningful things, it turns out that these interactions — which can spark new ideas and lead to fundamental breakthroughs — may actually be a key ingredient. “My strong belief about creativity is that it’s a numbers game,” she says. “The more ideas which are produced, the higher likelihood we’ll have better ideas to iterate and riff off.” That means we need to connect with others (including employees, customers, and leaders of other middle market companies) and share ideas. Ironically, then, the pervasive notion that productivity is about keeping your head down and slogging away for long hours may actually be hindering our ability to innovate and move forward.
The real question, then, is how to work smarter amidst the distractions of modern office life. Read more.
About the author:
Dorie Clark is an NCMM contributor and a marketing strategist who teaches at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Learn more about her new book Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future (Harvard Business Review Press) and follow her on Twitter.
About Susan J. Bethanis, interviewed in this article:
Susan J. Bethanis, Ed.D. is the Founder and CEO of Mariposa Leadership. She works with senior executives on a regular basis, is the author of the well-received business book Leadership Chronicles of a Corporate Sage, hosts our monthly leadership forum Wise Talk, and delivers keynotes on leadership, coaching, and talent development/retention. She can be reached at: