Top 5 Posts on Women in the Workplace by Anne Loehr

I am passionate about women in the workforce, in leadership positions, and as a key factor in understanding the seismic shifts in the future of work. Here are my top five blog posts on women in the workforce.
1. What Can Transgender Experience Tell Us About Workplace Gender Roles?
A fundamental challenge to women in the workplace is the structured, hierarchical system that was built without them in mind. Yet trying to understand what women actually experience beyond the statistics can be difficult, even for the women themselves. That’s what makes Kristen Schilt’s study so fascinating. She thought the best way to understand the barriers women face was to hear it from those who have experienced both worlds—those who are transgender. Her subjects have worked as both women and men, and sometimes in the same environment. Read about her incredible, if not disheartening, findings here.
2. Women in the Workplace Expert Ashley Milne-Tyte Interviewed by Anne Loehr
Ashley Milne-Tyte is a storyteller, writer, reporter, radio producer and podcast host. She is also the creator and producer of “The Broad Experience,” a podcast about the nuances of women in the workplace. I have been following Ashley’s work and was excited to speak with her about issues women face in the workplace, as well as how being a minority might play into that experience. Watch our interview and read about it here.
3. Infographic Depicting the Rise of Women in the Workforce
Women across the country are leaving their corporate jobs because they’ve decided that they can do better by consulting or creating startups. Take a look at these women in the workforce statistics represented in this infographic, and it will be easy to understand why.
4. Demographic Trend: Women are Changing the Workforce
How do you create a workplace environment that embraces shifting dynamics and positively impacts men, women and families? Flexibility and diversity are vitally important. How balanced is your workforce? Here are some tips to help your organization move forward.
5. Why Are Women Leaving the Workforce? A Conversation with Kendra Kabasele
Kendra Kabasele interviewed me for her blog, Kenversations, about the fact that women are leaving the corporate workforce to start independent businesses. She asked me why women are leaving the workforce, what their experiences are like while in Corporate America, how women are viewed in the workplace (as opposed to men) and what particular challenges mothers face while in the workplace, amongst other things. Explore these topics with us by reading our conversation here.
Have you read any great pieces about women in the workforce lately? I’d love to hear about them. Please send me a tweet, leave a comment below, or write me an email.